Poon FruitDescriptionThe poon fruit is a gargantuan fruit found on Himerius V, It grows in the rich valleys and forests of Himeria upon Collosal Perikal Tree's, its fruits are a rich purple coloration ridged with spikes. These fruits have caused the death of many an unwitting person that wished to take a nap under a Perikal tree.
Size: - 8 feet wide - 8 feet tall (Average)
Weight: 200kg (Average per fruit)
Color: Deep Purple
Morphology: Spiked Fibrous shell, when cracked open a smooth white flesh is inside. in the center of the flesh resides a cluster of tiny seeds that may be scraped out.
Taste: Pineapple
Texture: Fleshy like a mango
Storage: These fruits due to their hard exteriors may remain good to eat for 1-2 years.
EffectsMay provoke an allergic reaction in some, It is also a natural laxative. Parasites such as the Ook ook and Dilephiria worm have learned to penetrate the husk in order to effect humanoid or avian hosts.
GrowthThe Poon fruit grows relatively quickly considering its large size and while immature the fruit is a natural reddish brown color before it turns into the purple that signifies it is ready to eat. Average time for growth is one year.
ReproductionThe Fruit of the poon tree when dropped to the ground are dispersed by symbiotic organisms, these organisms are located upon the spikes of the Poon fruit, and they create a facilitated movement by waving the spikes to-and fro, when the fruit reaches its location, these organisms begin to eat away at the nitrogen rich shell, after a time the fleshy exterior is revealed, and local wildlife will come to feed on it sometimes eating the seeds, these seeds are then further dispersed by wandering animals that excrete the seeds elsewhere. Some seeds are also left at the husk and develop in the nitrogen rich soil.