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 Jauslyins applacation

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Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-09-04
Age : 36
Location : West Michigan

Jauslyins applacation Empty
PostSubject: Jauslyins applacation   Jauslyins applacation EmptyThu Oct 24, 2013 11:37 pm

Name: Jauslyin Kanos
Age: 24
Race: Torguta
Profession: Sentional

Known light saber forms: Artu, Jar'Kai, Sorecu, Shien.
Known force abilities: Telekinesis, Force heal, Force Absorb, Force Protect, Force Speed, Telepathy.

Background: Being raised and brought up among the Jedi, Jauslyin knows almost every trick in the book when it comes to temple security, and she knows the temple like the back of her hand.

Motivations: Evil triumphs when good people do nothing.

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