Some changes have occurred to the structure of the order, here is what the council has come to decide.
The Council congratulates:
Leenik Shodu, an active and fruitful member of the order, on attaining the leadership of the engineering win, that was left vacant with the leaving of it's former leader.
Vigil Orison, an active Adept and currently the most experienced medical personal, he will attain the leadership of the Circle of healers for the time being.
The Council also brings to notice that:
former council member Vrook Lamar, gave up his own seat with his own will, believing he could aid the clan far more as a Master Rather than a council member, the council applauds such selflessness and hopefully everyone will see that you Master Vrook Lamar, and your contributions! You will always be our master.
~ Signed by the Council Members.
~ Master Kain's Private seal of approval.