So this is going to be new and exciting...coming from me.
I'm sorry. Yep that's it, plain and simple. I applogize.
I am a mean, vindictive, arrogant know it all, and many other things. One thing I am not however is a an idiot. I very much realize the damage I have caused with my constant trolling and general harrasment. I have ruined relationships with people I used to consider my friends, I am also responsible more so then any other person, for all of the bullshit drama that has been going on, along with the wedge that has been driven between two groups of people. For that I am sorry. It wasn't and still isn't something that I ever wanted to happen. When I say I want everyone to be friends again people assume I am lying or up to something. I'm not, that is actually what I want.
This all started because was bored. I lost my job very shortly before all of this started. I had way too much time on my hands and was actually rather stressed as a result. So I looked for something to do. I tried to talk to Ren and find out what was going on with people leaving and them using the name DAJ. Not trying to insult Ren here or anything but I got completely raged at and removed from xfire for trying to be diplomatic and figure out what was going on because I had just started playing again. This added to my current annoyances. You may not want to believe this but I actually did try to join you guys because I wanted to RP. I wasn't looking for a fight or to troll. I was looking for something to fill my time. While applying I had very negative experiences which further added to my annoyances. When I was denied and slightly attacked in the proccess I got more annoyed and decided to take my stress out on you guys. Truth be told I wasn't expecting the reaction that it was given, I was expecting something much less. When people attack me (for lack of a better word) I am the kind of person that will bite back harder. I am very stubborn and borderline refuse to back down from things. I am also extremely blunt when I say things. Because of that things I say very often get taken the wrong way and get turned into something they weren't supposed to be. As a result of all of that, look where we are. In a very fragmented community all because I decided to try and burn the world down because I was in, in essence a bad mood. That isn't something I should have done, it was stupid.
I am not here asking for any sort of forgiveness or anything, I am simply telling you how it is and that I am sorry for it all. If you want to forgive me or something good for you, if you don't I sure as hell don't blame you for that and honestly wont hold it against you.
As I said, I'm sorry. Commence with the confused jimmies.
If you haven't guessed by now yes I am Xayton, because I have had people asking who TwF was.
Sorry I just really wanted to use those images for something.